The kitchen is closed until August.... I don't know why California hasn't got the memo that school shouldn't start until September but they really need to get on the bus... I hear all the time that we need to cut school spending, well cooling a school for the month of AUGUST has to cost a pretty penny!
It's not going to change so I will stop complaining right now and start enjoying my sumer vacation.
What do I have planed for this summer you ask? Well... we are going to garden, can, raise a couple of pigs for the freezer and get ready for the winter...
We are still feeling the crunch of the "GREAT RECESSION" and it doesn't look like its going to get better any time soon so the only thing we can do is save as much money as we can, while we can make it. The best way to do that is to grow your own food so you don't have to give that money to the grocery stores... Thats another rant.... 4 bags of groceries for 100 bucks!!!
So we have got a garden going and this week I will add some more plants. The chickens are laying tons of eggs, and I even have a hen who is sitting on 6 eggs. I think all the boys from that hatch will go in the freezer.
I was planing on going to the auction this week and pick up a couple of feeder hogs. Between the pigs and the chickens we should have all the extra zucchini ate up. That alone is supper exciting!!! I wont have to beg family, neighbors, and perfect strangers to take that squash off my hands!
OK. so now I have to go. I will post pictures of our summer......
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